
Individual Guided Tours

Offering the Best of Ireland's Rich Culture and Heritage

If you enjoy effortless travel, comfortable lodgings with a real touch of luxury, the best guides, and the most interesting bespoke itineraries; if you like to leave the well trodden tourist track and go behind the scenes to explore Ireland's rich culture and heritage, Geraldine Murtagh’s ELEGANT IRELAND is your best choice when selecting a local destination expert.

As one of Ireland’s longest established and most respected Destination Specialists we are ideally positioned to advise you on every aspect of your Irish vacation.  All it takes is one email with your 'wish list' and we will design a personalised itinerary,
do all the research, and reserve the best accommodation, transport and activities.

Our itineraries are innovative and well paced, offering a balance of beautiful scenery, interesting friendly people and delicious food.  Our tours are tailored to suit your interests, your budget and your pace.  We offer you the key to the VERY BEST of Ireland, in a style which combines imaginative flair with an unequalled knowledge of Ireland’s unique resources - its gracious country houses, glorious gardens, its theaters, galleries, monuments, and the full gamut of its unrivalled sporting amenities.

For those who wish to combine Ireland with another destination we provide a similar service in Scotland and Wales.
Through our network of Condé Nast Destination Specialists, we would be happy to  put you in touch
with other dedicated experts all over the world.


Guided Tours Ireland | Vacations in Ireland | Elegant Ireland

Guided Tours Ireland | Vacations in Ireland | Elegant Ireland

Guided Tours Ireland | Vacations in Ireland | Elegant Ireland

Guided Tours Ireland | Vacations in Ireland | Elegant Ireland